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Hot answers tagged drm

No, you cannot.Steam is a DRM enforcing client. It doesn't provide a version of software that is not DRM restricted.However, you can install Steam on WINE itself. It will then detect it is on a 'Windows platform' and install the game.

It sounds like you are attempting to use a non-steam key for the game. Just because a game is available on Steam doesn't mean every key for that game is a Steam key.If you have the game dvd or can install the game from elsewhere (you can get Fable for instance from Xbox Live) then you'll be able to use the key that you have.Some non-steam game keys can .

Yes. This is a necessary consequence of Diablo 3's online cash auction system. All your stuff has to be stored on the server to prevent 'fraud'.As you can see, the official system requirements include a broadband connection.http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/diablo-iii-system-requirementsOn further investigation, there appears to have been a .

You can try to download them with SteamCMD, if they are DRM-Free.When you run it, you can login with, login (username) Then set the download path with, force_install_dir (path) Then, you can install the game with this: app_update (gamesteamid) validate You can replace the (gamesteamid) part with the game's steam id, which you can find by .

With Origin, you can install as many copies as you like. But when you start the game, you need to log in Origin. You cannot login at two different computers at the same time.If you are playing and your girlfriend logs in, you will be put in offline mode. It seems like you have to be online to play the game. See this link.

Denuvo simply put is a form if Digital Rights Management (DRM). Its intended purpose is to prevent piracy. It was developed by Denuvo Software Solutions. It also prevents tampering (debugging, reverse engineering) and cheating. It's proprietary software and the actual specifics of how it works have not been released.It can be cracked in the sense that the .

You don't. From the Steam page: Internet Connection: Temporary broadband connection for product registration, permanent broadband connection for multiplayer.Translation: You must register online even if you only want to play it offline. And it gets worse -- if try to play offline after registering online it'll still cripple the game for no apparent .

Xbox 360 Mass Effect Dlc Drm Download Torrent

The biggest thing I discovered is you can't use your Ark upgrades. Which is rather sad. Just when I think Ubisoft is doing better, I discover they just secretly sabotage the game in a less obvious way.I mean yes the game can be played without the Ark upgrades but they are significant. Even if you research them within the game you're playing, it won't let .

Can I trust this 'Origin' DRM (Digital Rights Management) software platform? Yes. It is fundamentally not worse than Steam as a DRM platform, although it doesn't have as many bells and whistles. Has anybody done any independent verification on how this platform works? Not that I'm aware of. 'Independent' is practically impossible in a corporate .

Well, it's a bit more clear cut for games than music.Games are software, software is always required to have valid license to be used. Using software in a breach of license is piracy. Steam EULA makes it very clear that you don't own the games: Valve hereby grants, and you accept, a limited, terminable, non-exclusive license and right to use the .

No.I've heard a lot of bad things about their client, their EULA and complaints that Origin is 'spyware': EA's Origin Sends Personal Data to Third PartiesEA Says Origin Isn't Spyware, Although It Does Scan Your Entire PC And from What’s The Deal With EA’s Origin & Is It Really That Bad?: Conclusion Origin isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t .

No. Origin is required for any PC copy (boxed and digital) of Battlefield 3.

No, Steam does not manage updates for non-Steam games. If there are updates, you will have to download them and install them yourself.

It depends on the game. There are many DRM free games on Steam, (e.g. Gnomoria and in fact most Games from 'Arcen Games' and some Paradox Titles) which will run without launching Steam when copied outside the Steam folder. And many more do not utilize CEG (which means Custom Executable Generation), which is the name of the system you are asking about.If a .

According to BioWare: 2) Is constant Origin connection required or is it a single one off authentication when the game is first installed. Is there also a limit to the number of installations available? Mass Effect 3 will require a one time, single authorization for the single player game. There is no limit to the number of installs. Playing Mass .

Origin is required to play at all times (you can use the offline mode though).You must also pass a one time release date check the first time you use Battlefield 3, which requires the internet. After that you're free to play offline (but still through Origin).

This site cannot give you legal advice. However, it may be legal in your jurisdiction to download a DRM-free copy of the game (e.g. via BitTorrent) since you already own the game. It may still be legal even if the EULA claims that you can’t do it (many sections in EULAs do not have force of law in many jurisdictions). You will have to research the legality .

Sometimes it's for multiplayer in the case of MMOs and similar games like DoTA 2. Other times it's for DRM. Mortal Kombat Komplete appears to be one of those kases. It appears that most of the DRM list are activation checks and you don't need to maintain an internet connection for single player.

Install CLEO library (for GTA 3).I'm not aware how the protection is bypassed, but installing the program instantly fixed the issue.source

http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/games/d3/Right down the bottom is an unqualified 'Internet connection required'. There's no 'for multiplayer games' or 'for some game modes'.Just in case you're one of those people who are living in hope that Blizzard will relent, and add an offline mode just before (or just after) release, here's my best guess:Diablo3 is .

Great question! 'Denuvo Anti-Tamper, or Denuvo, is an anti-tamper technology and digital rights management (DRM) scheme developed by the Austrian company Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, a company formed through the management buyout (MBO) of Sony DADC DigitalWorks.' - Wikipedia Too much technical jargon? I'll explain it to you.What is Denuvo?Denuvo .

Upgrading to Crysis 2 v1.9 and installing the DX11 tessellation patch has enabled me to play regardless of what else I have running. I'm not sure which of these two installs did it, but I suspect it was the v1.9 upgrade.

From a review of the german GameStar Wie Assassin’s Creed 2 verwendet auch Brotherhood den Game-Launcher-Kopierschutz, den Ubisoft allerdings leicht entschärft hat. So müssen Sie beim Klettern und Meucheln nicht mehr online bleiben, nach der ersten Internet-Aktivierung läuft das Spiel auch im Offline-Modus. And from Gamespot There are a .

The DRM limits the game to 5 lifetime different machine installs (e.g. install on up to 5 different machines simultaneously. Uninstall one of these, and you should be able to reinstall on yet another machine). Note that you can effectively 'lose' one of these installs by losing a hard drive, re-imaging, etc. without uninstalling first.

You can trust Steam, but you cannot trust Steam-powered games. Call of Duty 4 installed PunkBuster on my PC which remained after I uninstalled CoD4 via Steam, and required an external tool to remove.I don't hold a grudge against Steam; Steam is great. But you shouldn't think that just because it's on Steam, it won't do this kind of thing.

Amalur has less protection than most games. Logging into EA account is completely optional, the only purpose it serves is distributing special items and DLCs.Even while playing the demo, you could have skipped logging in to an EA account and gone straight to playing. As for the EULA, it's basic: you shouldn't use the game to get commercial profit and .

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As with most EA games, Amalur does contain some online component through an EA account. As far as I know, it isn't some sort of DRM but rather a way for EA to unlock content for you between games without the need of save files, in the case of Amalur, it unlocks objects for you in the full game and in the upcoming Mass Effect 3. A similar thing was with .

Xbox 360 Mass Effect Dlc Drm Download Torrent Free

Steam doesn't lock your games down, no. They can be patched, modded, tweaked, and memory-hacked just fine, so long as the original game doesn't have its own built-in DRM scheme that would interfere. And of course, anything that changes the original game files will be undone when Steam pushes down an update, so such tweaks will have to be reapplied, possibly .

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